Warm-Up Basics

All good warm-ups should involve movement of all muscle groups and last 10 minutes.

Single Modality: pick one and go for 5-10 minutes
running, rowing, swimming, elliptical, airdyne/peloton, ski erg, versa climber/stairs

Mixed Modality: pick one from each A,B,C,D and do 3 rounds total
A) air squats or chair squats or overhead squat (empty bar) x 10
B) push-ups or incline push-ups x 10 or dips x 5
C) pull-ups x 5 or ring rows x 10 or seated band ring muscle-up x 3 or strict muscle-up x 1-2
D) hanging leg raises x 5 or sit-ups x 10 or strict toes-to-bar x 3

Air Squat

The squat is the most basic of all human movement.



Strict push-ups. A modification could be to drop to knees but keep all upper body parameters exact.

Chair Squat

EASIER. This version, anyone can do at work or at home.


Incline Push-Ups

EASIER. This can be from the back or arm of the couch, a counter-top or table, even a chair. Also rings or TRX straps.

Overhead Squat

Advanced. Try these instead.



Advanced. Demo is on rings but you can do bar dips as well, with same depth.


5 strict pull-ups are required before learning to kip. Get to work!


Hanging Leg Raises

Demo is for an L-Sit hold but if you don’t hold and you repeat the leg raises… voila.

Pull-Up Variations

EASIER. Rings or TRX straps are useful when you don’t have the upper body strength to do pull-ups yet.



EASIER. If you don’t have an abmat, roll up a towel or fold a pillow in half and use it the same way..

Ring Muscle-Up

Advanced. Can modify to seated banded ring muscle-ups x3 (if you know, you know).



Advanced. and yes… it says strict.


Don’t have time for a workout?
Simple… after your 3 rounds for the warm-up… set timer for 10, 15, or 20 min… and do MAX rounds (cycles).
Don’t FEEL like working out?
Most people don’t, but they do it anyway.
Try at least starting with the warm-up and see how you feel after that. Do your best.